An Open Letter to the Chambers of Commerce
October 20, 2014
Dames with Danes: Count on It
November 4, 2014
An Open Letter to the Chambers of Commerce
October 20, 2014
Dames with Danes: Count on It
November 4, 2014

To Sir

Doug Logan posted this poem on the Young Onset Parkinson’s FB page. When I read it, I considered how blessed I am to have supportive, dearly adored caregivers in both the two-legged and four-legged varieties

With the four-legged variety in mind, I asked Doug if I could share his poem.He answered., “Yes,” followed by “it is to our caregivers in whatever form that may be.”

To Our Care Giversstblog3
By Doug Logan

Sometimes I feel as though I’m trapped in a cage,

It fills me with anger, resentment and rage;

This cage it is made of my own flesh and bone,

It’s worse than any made of wood, steel or stone.


My limbs will all tremble as if I’m nervous or cold,

I no longer write, hands won’t do as they’re told;

My feet, they are heavy and make me walk slow,

My face a blank canvas, no expressions will show.


I want to still show you I love you and care,

But all you can see is a cold lonely stare.

You must always ask me to repeat what I’ve said;

My speech is much slower than what I’ve thought in my head.


I want to run to your arms and embrace,

But my feet won’t move I’m frozen in place;

You’re there to catch me if I stumble and fall;

You stand there beside me and give me your all.


You’ve seen me through the good and the bad,

You’ve been there to cheer me when I’ve felt blue and sad;

When my battle is over and it’s time to go,

Know you’ve always meant more than I could ever show.


  1. Carrie Pandis says:

    Beautiful and touching! I’m so sorry that you have such a difficult struggle. I am so glad you and Sir Thomas found each other.

  2. Catherine McGerray says:

    That is absolutely beautiful. Doug you have a wonderful way with words. Thank you for sharing your poem with us. Bless you.

  3. Jackie Hinde says:

    Brave and honest words from a brave and honest man about a very horrible disease. The more light that’s shone on Parkinson’s (and diseases like it), the more enlightenment will come to those who watch in confusion. Thank you brave man and all you brave people who are unafraid to teach from those of us who are unafraid to learn : )

  4. Donna Leonard says:

    Thank you both, Doug and Renee for sharing pieces of your hearts

  5. This is such a beautiful poem. Sir Thomas is such a great dog! I can totally relate to this. My mom has Parkinson’s disease (PD) and she owns a Labrador Retriever. She is now three years old and she has been with her since December 2011. A few years my mom’s diagnosis, I learned from an acquaintance about a local organization that trains service dogs for people living with all types of illnesses, including PD. Thanks for sharing this post. Cheers!

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