Handling It
February 24, 2015Dames with Danes in High School
March 1, 2015Partners
It’s been a decade living with Parkinson’s and the days before PD are tough to recall. I don’t much like admitting to that because it shows either my age, my waning memory, or that, throughout my days, symptoms are seeping into more moments than not.
It’s been three years, five months and sixteen days since Sir Thomas came home and it’s impossible to recall life without him. I don’t mind admitting to that because he’s my sidekick, my four-legged cane, my mobility partner, my handsome-though-slobbery link to independence.
It’s eighteen months away and Sir Thomas and I are already planning on attending the 2016 World Parkinson Congress In the meantime, as a WPC Blogger Partner, I’m sharing stories, information and resources on PD life with a service dog. I don’t much mind because, throughout my days, his presence has seeped joy into more moments than not.
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